Sunday, October 7, 2007

Maddie's First Accidental Almost Metric

I went home this weekend to visit the parents and celebrate Ethan's birthday. On Saturday, I decided to go out for a ride with Madeline, who was taking her first trip out of town. I looked at the Anson County bike route map and pieced together a couple of routes that made a loop that went near our house. I used one of the loops marked and the map to judge the distance of my route and decided that it was about 40 miles which is right at the length that I wanted. It turs out that either I am horrible at judging distances or that map was drawn by someone with the cartography skills of Buster Bluth. I ended up riding 60 miles before I finally gave up and called Ethan to come pick me up since I was still near Morven and had at least 10 more miles before I got home. My time for the ride was still pretty good, a 17.6 mph average, but I only brought two bottles of water and didn't have anything to eat. This would have been fine for the 40 miles that I was anticipating but not nearly enough for what I ended up riding. I guess I should plan my routes here in the future so I can get a better idea of the mileage that I am riding.

The past couple of weeks I have been doing a Sunday morning group ride from the newly opened Apex branch of the Bicycle Chain. On last weeks ride I was able to set a new personal best top speed of 47.0 mph on one of the rides longer downhills.

My weekly Friday afternoon ride with Mikey got rained out this week so hopefully I can get her out to the trails sometime this week. I will probably leave Maddie at home for the week since Ethan and I are heading up to the mountains this weekend to do some climbing and I don't want to wear out my legs before that trip.

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