Monday, July 30, 2007

It's Here

The UPS man stopped by this afternoon and delivered my frame and handlebars, but for some reason the rest of my parts aren't going to come until tomorrow. It looks like this may put me a day or two behind on the building process but I should still be riding by the weekend so it isn't a big deal. The frame looks great. The color is darker than it looked on the internet pictures but it looks really good. Although the frame isn't super light, it is light enough for a steel mountain bike. I expect the bike to be around 24 or 25 pounds when finished. I can't wait to get out on a ride with this thing. I'm going to be busy tomorrow night but hopefully I can find time to spray it down with Framesaver before going to bed. If I do, I should be finished building it by Thursday night and go on a nice long ride Friday afternoon. Here are some pictures for those of you not here, but I must warn you that good lighting and photography skills were absent from this photo shoot.


Spur said...

Great to see the frame, Andrew. Sounds like this bike is going to come together very quickly!

What is framesaver? A protectant?

Andrew said...

Yes Spur, Framesaver is a protectant for steel frames. It is a real sticky oil that you spray inside of your frame to keep the interior from rusting.

Spur said...

Seems like they would pre-treat it with that stuff.